

Here are the secrets of Webosaurs that are hidden and the only way to get to them are through secret places… let’s begin!

WEBOSAURS SECRET #1: How to go the Secret Room: ( Dr.Nanosauru’s Secret Lab )

There is two ways to get to Dr. Nanosauru’s Secret Lab. Both are pretty simple. I will explain to you how to get there.

Way #1:

This takes place at Gushing Geyser. All you need is a dino.

Step #1:

Wait until the geyser (the big thing that shoots out water) drains the water. Then stand right on the hole in the middle of it.


Step #2:

Wait until the water will burst up. Then when it does it will burst you up and you will then be transported to the lab. Make sure your right on the hole.


So that’s it! Two easy steps and it should take no more than 2 minutes! There is another way that is even quicker!

Way #2:

This will take place at Hillside Canopy. All you will need is a dino.

Step #1: Go to your right on Hillside Canopy and you will see a rock. When you hover over it a lighting bolt will appear. Click it and the rock will uncover a secret entrance! Click the black opening to go to his lab!



These are the only secrets I know right now.. Thanks so much, flyboy for telling me this.

Flyboy said there is more out when I find one I will be sure to post it! If you find one leave a comment and I will post it too!

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